Below is a sampling of our projects and services that have received press coverage. For media related inquiries, please get in touch.
Green Revolution to Outfit Five Public Health facilities with Solar systems
Magnetic Media

The projects toward a more sustainable energy future for the Turks and Caicos Islands have now been identified in partnership with RESEMBID; the European Union’s arm which supports renewable energy interventions in overseas territories.
For the TCI, five health facilities will be made more resilient and less reliant on fossil fuel generated electricity. Project officer in the islands is Zepherinus Norbert and he named the public sites to benefit.
Solar power or Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems will be added to the facilities by December 2023, cutting costs to government and creating energy efficiency and resiliency for the benefit of the public.
“We have gone through procurement and we have secured a contractor and that is Green Revolutions limited, they were the successful bidders.”
FortisTCI adds more solar with partners;
Graceway Sports centre and H2O Lifestyle Resort
Times and Caicos SUN

Green Revolution completed a 104.5 kW dc system at H2O Life. Style. Resort. The total investment cost was approximately $1 Million.
Founder of Green Revolution Solar Paul Chaplin said, "Green Revolution Solar are proud to be a part of the first rooftop solar installation on a South Shore Resort in Providenciales. Fortis TCI and H2O Life. Style. Resort’s, environmentally friendly ethos resonates with Green Revolution Solar’s mission to reduce the carbon footprint of the TCI, making it ‘Greener by Nature’.”
Ritz-Carlton Residences installs huge solar energy system
Turks and Caicos Weekly News

The project represents FortisTCI’s 10th utility owned renewable energy (UORE) partnership, a press release from the company on Thursday, March 4, said.
It was completed by renewable energy service provider Green Revolution.
Green Revolution founder Paul Chaplin said the company was very excited to be part of the completion of the first major solar PV installation on a Grace Bay Beach resort.
"We look forward to what’s ahead and seeing more installations like this in the future.”
FortisTCI Commissions 250kW Grid-tied Solar PV Systems in Providenciales
Press Release - FortisTCI

FortisTCI is pressing ahead with the integration of solar power generation in the TCI, recently commissioning two grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) systems in Providenciales in partnership with Global Management Co. Ltd, also known as Aircool. Together, the two PV systems equal approximately 250KW spanning 20,000 square feet of rooftop space and were installed by local contractor Green Revolution.
This latest project was commissioned under FortisTCI’s Utility Owned Renewable Energy (UORE) Program, which offers customers the opportunity to lease their home or business roof space to FortisTCI for the installation of a grid-tied PV system. Customers receive a monthly credit on their electricity bill for the use of their rooftop space and a profit share of the PV system’s generation paid on an annual basis
Hang Tight
Can solar panels survive hurricanes?
Times of the Islands

Today (March 7, 2018) marks the six-month anniversary of Hurricane Irma's brutal attack on the Turks & Caicos Islands. The flocks of visitors from cold-weather climes continue to land daily, and most see little evidence of the powerful storm as they enjoy the TCI's trademark "Beautiful by Nature" sun, sand and sea. (In fast, Grace Bay Beach was awarded "World's Best Beach" in the TripAdvisor® Traveler's Choice® awards for 2018, reclaiming its crown from 2016.)
But many scientists fear that extreme weather may become an all-too-common-occurence, as the planet struggles to remain in balance in spite of the effect on climate of an exponentially compounding global population. With this in mind, solar and other alternative forms of energy are more important than ever.
FortisTCI Plans Major Generation Expansion Project for 2018 and Solar Integration for 2017
Press Release - FortisTCI

FortisTCI (the Company) is expanding its generating capacity to meet growing energy demand and integrating renewable energy sources into the grid during 2017.
In February this year, the Company signed its first set of Utility Owned Renewable Energy (UORE) Program contracts, consisting of two projects on Providenciales. One contract was signed with Mills Learning Institute located in Juba Sound and the other with Atlantic Stone/BRM Limited located in South Dock. The total aggregate size is 178kW, and commissioning of both projects will occur during June.
A Revolution in Going Green
Local company encourages energy efficiency
Times of the Islands

It was with joy that I covered Fortis TCI’s foray into offering solar energy options to its customers for our Summer 2016 article “Let the Sun Shine.” The country’s electricity providers now offer both customer-owned and utility-owned solar photovoltaic systems that are interconnected with the grid.
After he read the article, Paul Chaplin, co-owner of Green Revolution, a local renewable energy/energy efficiency solutions consulting firm, called to gently chide me. He said, “Energy efficiency is the first step before moving towards renewable energy solutions. If we are energy hogs but install a renewable energy system, it doesn’t necessarily make us green.”